ASO 2025 Tournament Rules:


Smoking is not allowed in the gaming area, but will be allowed outside

Drinking is allowed at the tournament, but excessive drinking which ruins the ASO experience for other players can be ground for (temporary) dismissal from the tournament. 

2.1 DICE:
Players dice and HIP sheets are subject to TD inspection. We would like all players to use Precision Dice if possible. Some kind of dice-rolling-equipment is required. You can use a dice-cup, throw the dice into a glass or use a dice-tower. Whatever the method used, your opponent must be able to see the result at the same time that you are. Ideally players can agree what is and what is not acceptable dice. If necessary, ask the Tournament Directors. In general – Schwerpunkt dice or Non-Precision dice are not allowed unless your opponent lets you use them. At ASO we consider Battleschool dice acceptable as precision dice and they are allowed if – “They have dots from 2 to 6, and only a symbol on the 1 side. The symbol may not be engraved but have to be a thin film applied to the die” 

Excessively noisy equipment may be disallowed at TD’s discretion.

Players HIP sheets are subject to TD inspection. Please show your HIP sheet to your opponent when possible during the game. 

The standard IFT Fire table is the default fire table used. If both players agree you may use the IIFT. 

There are two ways of choosing a scenario; 

1) you could agree on one of the three scenarios or 
2) use the following method; Both of you choose one of the three scenarios which you will not play, and give the other 2 a priority of 1-2. In case of an equal “priority score” (2-1 vs 1-2) you will roll a dice to determine which scenario you are going to play. 

2.5 PBS:
We use the PBS (Point Bidding System) with all of the scenarios. Inspired by the Albany tournament. Included in the scenario list are the PBS for all the scenarios. For those who are unfamiliar with PBS, this is how it works:

FB 13-Don’t Economize (player B vs player A)

This scenario favors the Russians. Player A bid Russians giving 4 points. Player B bids Russians giving up 5 points. Player B wins the bid as he is giving up more points to play the Russians (if it were a tie, you dice off for the Russians).

A-(1 point) Delete a Russian DC
B-(2 points) Exchange Russian 9-2 for a 9-1
C-(2 points) Russians get 6PP instead of 7PP in SSR 6
D-(2 points) Delete a 447
E-(3 points) Delete a 458

Player A is playing the Germans since he lost the bid but player A gets to pick the 5 points from the above table that will weaken the Russian chances for victory and balance out the scenario. Player A picks A,C and D for 5 points. Player A sets up as the Axis and player B is playing Russians minus a DC, minus a 447 and receiving only 6PP per SSR 6. 

The player losing the bid can pick any amount of points up to the bid number (5 points in this one) from the above table.

Each balance provision can only be picked one time.

Cross bids will be honored. Meaning if Player A bids 3 points for the Russians and Player B bids 2 points for the Germans both sides will be able to make balancing selections.

ZERO bids for a side and NO BIDS are legal.
(Applicable to all scenarios):


The tournament uses the official ASL Rules, 2nd. edition, with the exceptions of the TOURNAMENT SSR’s as mentioned below

– Kindling is NA in all scenarios (B25.11)

– A8.15 Snap Shot – A legal Snap Shot must be able to see at least one vertex of the hexside of the hex the unit is moving into. Two examples from board 3 where Snap shots are not allowed: Firer in H4 vs unit moving from F3 to E3; and Firer in O6 vs unit moving from N7 to M8. Two examples from board 3 where the Snap Shot is allowed: Firer in N2 vs unit moving from P2 to P1, but the wall TEM applies; and Firer in Q9 vs unit moving from W2 to V1, but the Hedge TEM applies.

– If the scenario contains OBA please use the following “Pleva Rule”: Each red card/chit drawn as per C1.21 is mixed back into the pile, along with another red card/chit. Battery access is never lost due to drawing two red cards/chits. Extra card draw mechanics remain the same.

– In all scenarios, with building control, building hex control or building location control rubbled building hexes still counts for Victory Condition purposes. Note, falling rubble outside original building hexes does not count for Victory Condition Purposes. 

For vehicular mounted FT TK attempt vs an enemy AFV the following additional TK DRM apply:

– Case A DRMs
– Firer in Motion +2
– Target in Motion +2
– Concealed AFV +2

Regardless of the DRMs an Original DR of 2 is a Burn result and an Original DR of 3 is an Elim result if not already a Burn result.

Radios and Phones malfunction on a Radio Contact/Maintenance DR of 12. Radios have an R# value of 2. Phones have an R# value of 2. Both have no X#. (C1.22-C1.23)

Amendment to B26.53 (in bold): Whenever a fully-tracked vehicle passes a Bog check when entering a Wire hex through non-VBM, it removes that Wire counter from the hex if the colored dr of the Bog DR is 1.

Vehicle crews are treated as SMC for Control purposes.

B29.2 Roadblock Extension LOS – A Roadblock extension will not block LOS to a unit that is ADJACENT to a Roadblock hexside.

The tournament is a 5 round tournament.  The tournament format is modified accelerated swiss style, with 3 scenarios each round to choose from.

The tournament is basically a swiss draw tournament, but the pairing is accelerated, in the sense that in round 2-5, a higher number of players is losing their first game each round – thereby reducing their chance of winning the tournament to almost nothing.For players with one or more losses, we try to increase the fun-factor a bit, by trying to avoid pairing the player with regular opponents in particular and by making the pairing less strict.

Players are paired according to the following principles (see definitions below):

4.2.1 Round 1:
Top 32 players (based on AREA ratings) are matched in one pool, seeded.The remaining players are matched in a separate pool, seededRound 2-5:Top X players (maximum point players, in order of World-rating) are matched in one pool, seeded. X is based on the round: Round 2 = 16, Round 3 = 8, Round 4 = 4, Round 5 = 2Each remaining player with maximum points is matched with a player that has exactly one draw or loss. Highest rated (World-rating) maximum point player against highest rated player with one loss/draw. The remaining players are matched according to Area rating (against player of similar amount of points in the tournament with a similar world rating), with the following adjustments: We’ll try not to match players of similar nationality or regular opponents. Players mutually agreeing and with similar amount of points are welcome to request to be matched up as opponents.

4.2.2 Top players:
All players with maximum points in the tournament (i.e. have not had a loss or a draw) are put on a list, ranked in order of their Area-rating at tournament start (ties resolved randomly).

The top 16 players are the topmost 16 players on this list. The players in the pool are ranked in order of their Area-rating at tournament start. Players who are not listed have been assigned a temporary rating and ranking determined by the Tournament Directors.

Seeded matching: The list is then split in the middle, and the top half ranked players are matched with players in the bottom half of the list. 6 players on a list are matched like this: 1 vs 4 / 2 vs. 5 / 3 vs. 6. Swiss style means that in each round, you will play an opponent who has approximately the same amount of points as you (i.e. has won / lost about the same number of games as you).

Points: When you play a match you will get 3 points for winning and 1 for losing.

The winner of the tournament is the last undefeated person in the tournament. Please note that it is therefore possible for a winner to be declared before the last round of the tournament if there are less than 32 players in the Main Tournament. The rank of all other players is determined by their points at the end of the tournament. For players with equal scores, the following tiebreakers are used, in the listed order: 1. Round where the player lost his first game (the later the better).

2. The average Area-rating of opponents played, based on rating at tournament start.If all of the tiebreakers are a tie as well, the two players in question share the same rank.Please note, that no tiebreaker is used to determine the winner of the tournament if all the players in question have the maximum possible points. There is a theoretical possibility af two or more players being undefeated in the event of 32+ participating players. If two undefeated players are tied for the first place, they both win the tournament in combination. If a tie exists for the first place, but all of the implicated players have had at least one loss, then the tiebreakers above apply.

Starting in 2019 ASO we adopted new principles for judging games. Draws are no longer possible. With these new principles we will not be able to allow players “extra time” like we have in the past. The onus is on the players to take into account the scenario size and the speed with which they play. 

We will use the following principles:

The players who are unable to finish a game within the allotted time, they have to decide the outcome of the scenario, using one of these two methods:

METHOD 1 – Mutual agreement, i.e. the players agrees on a winner (preferred method)
METHOD 2 – Let the Organizers decide the winner of the game: 

In case of option 2:
Each of the implicated players gets 3 minutes each, to give his assessment of the situation, as well as explain how he is going to achieve the Victory Conditions in the scenario. During the players presentation, the judges may ask brief questions, but should take care not to give the player ideas that he would not have thought of himself. This presentation is done one player at a time, without the presence of the other player. If both players agree they can request that the organizers (Bo Siemsen and Michael Hastrup-Leth) work out the odds of each side winning the scenario and decide the winner with a dice roll based on the odds. The judges will, based on the situation on the board, as well as the presentation determine if the scenario is:  

A) Too close to call (50-50)
B) Favored by one player (60-40)
C) Significantly favored by one player (70-30) or
D) Heavily favored by one player (Greater than 70% chance of winning)

(A) Tournament Directors roll a 20-sided dice. 1-10 Attacker wins
(B) Tournament Directors roll a 20-sided dice. 1-12 Favored player wins
(C) Tournament Directors roll a 20-sided dice. 1-14 Favored player wins
(D) Favored player is awarded the win

* Scenarios adjudicated to be “Too close to call (50-50)” will be reported to the AREA ratings as a Draw. 

At the conclusion of the tournament prizes will be awarded to the following (List is subject to adjustment depending on the number of prizes we can offer):

* There will be prizes for the winner of the Main Tournament
* There will be prizes for the winners of Mini-tournaments
* There will be prizes for the Main Tournament Runner up
* There will be prizes to the runner up in Mini-tournaments
* There will be prizes to the Top-10 places in the Main Tournament

And basically anyone the Tournament Directors sees fit to award a prize to 🙂

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