FIRST ROUND, EARLY START AP 11 ”Swamp Cat’s”, German 62 / Russian 47 (ASO SSR; the initial 3 x 628 are Assault Eng.) German bid points A1 delete one 248 from German OB B1 add an 8-1 AL to Russian onboard OB C2 all six 628 are Assault Eng. D2 exchange one German 8-1 with an 8-0 E3 add a FT to Russian Onboard OB Russian bid points A1 add a 248 to German OB B1 add 6 x ? to German at start OB C2 exchange one LMG with a MMG in German OB D2 add an 8-1 AL to German at start OB E3 the Air Support is recalled after turn 5 J 241 ”Its a Battlefield”, German 10/ British 6 (ASO SSR; add a 458 to British OB) German bid points A1 delete one German LMG B1 add a LMG to British OB C2 delete one German 8-1 Leader D2 add a 458 to British OB E3 exchange one British MMG with a HMG British bid points A1 exchange one British 458 with a 248 B1 delete 5 x ? from British OB C2 delete one PIAT from British OB D2 exchange one British MMG with a LMG E3 exchange one dm MMG with a dm HMG J 202 ”Down By The River”, German 6/ Russian 10 (ASO SSR; delete 6 Minefield factors) German bid points A1 exchange two 447 with two 458, one on each side of the river B1 add a LMG to Russian OB C2 add a 527 to Russian OB D2 exchange the KG Eiche dm HMG with a dm MMG E3 add 6 Minefield factors to Russian OB Russian bid points A1 add a 248ss to KG Eicke B1 add a 247 to Leichte Infanterie-Division 8 C2 exchange one 467 with a 548 D2 add a 9-1 AL to Sturmgeschütz Abteilung 184 E3 add a DC to Leichte Infanterie-Division 8 OR KG Eiche FIRST ROUND, LATE START J 207 ”Unhorsed”, German 11/ American 11 German bid points A1 exchange two 666 with two 667 B1 add a 347 to American OB C2 add an 8-1 AL to American OB D2 exchange German MMG with a LMG E3 add a DC to American OB American bid points A1 add a 348 to German OB B1 exchange two 667 with two 666 C2 add a LMG to German OB D2 exchange American dm HMG with a dm MMG E3 add an 8-0 Leader to German OB J 237 ”Commando’s at Kaiapit”, Japanese 2/ Aussie 5 (ASO SSR; change Japanese 9-0 to 10-1) Japanese bid points A1 delete one 237 from initial Japanese OB B1 exchange the two 447 in Group B with two 347 C2 add a LMG to British turn 1 reinforcements D2 exchange the 10-1 with a 9-1 E3 add a DC to Australian turn 2 reinforcements British bid points A1 exchange the two 347 in Group A with two 447 B1 delete one 248 from initial Australian OB C2 delete the 51* MTR from British turn 1 reinforcements D2 add a 447 to Japanese onboard OB E3 delete one 458 from Australia turn 1 reinforcements SM 8 ”Without Thought of Numbers”, G3/ A11 (ASO SSR; add a 537 to German OB) German bid points A1 add 6 concealment counters to American OB B1 add a 337 to American OB C2 exchange the American 8-0 Leader with a 9-1 D2 add a Baz ’44 to American OB E3 the Americans does not suffer from Ammunition Shortage American bid points A1 add a 237 to German OB B1 add 6 concealment counters to German OB C2 exchange one German LMG with a MMG D2 add a LMG to German OB E3 add a 6+1 Leader to German OB SECOND ROUND 174 ”Lagus Assault Guns ” Finns 62/ Russian 24 (ASO SSR; add a 458 + 7-0 to Russian turn 1 OB) Finnish bid points A1 exchange two 447 with two 458 B1 add a LMG to Russian OB C2 exchange two 648 with two 538 D2 delete the Hero from Finnish OB E3 exchange the SU-152 with a T34/ m43 Russian bid points A1 add a LMG (2-6) to Finnish OB B1 add a 248 to Finnish OB C2 delete a 458 from Russian OB D2 add a 8-1 AL to Finnish OB E3 exchange the Russian HMG with a MMG J 211 ”Breakthrough in the Arctic”, German 14/ Russian 15 ASO Clarification; The DC cannot be removed by an AFV and will not be removed by a Russian Unit in Bypass, or if a German unbroken MMC is in the DC’s Location. Contrary to ASO TSR 4, a Building Rubbled by the DC does not count for Victory Condition purpose. German bid points A1 delete 4 concealment counters from German OB B1 exchange one 467 with a 247 C2 in SSR 2 change ”one squad-equivalent to one MMC” D2 delete one LMG from German OB E3 add an 8-1 AL to Russian OB Russian bid points A1 exchange 2 x 467 for 2 x 468 B1 add a LMG to German OB C2 delete the Russian MMG D2 exchange one German LMG for a MMG E3 exchange Russian 9-2 with an 8-1 J 234 ”Buckley’s Chance”, Japanese 4/ Aussie 6 Japanese bid points A1 exchange two 457 with two 458 B1 delete a LMG from Japanese OB C2 exchange three 447 with three 347 D2 delete one 447 from Japanese OB E3 exchange one Aussie LMG with a MMG British bid points A1 exchange two 447 with two 448 B1 exchange one 9-0 with a 9-1 C2 delete the Aussie ATR D2 delete one 457 from Aussie OB E3 in VC change 10 Exit VP to 8 Exit VP THIRD ROUND AP 194 ”Not Fade Away”, German 10/ American 5 (ASO SSR; add an 8-1 AL to American OB) German bid points A1 exchange two 666 with two 667 B1 reduce German SAN to 3 C2 exchange one American 8-0 with an 8-1 D2 exchange the German 8-1 with an 8-0 E3 delete 6 Minefield Factors American bid points A1 exchange two 447 with two 467 B1 exchange two 667 with two 666 C2 add a 447 to German OB D2 delete one 666 E3 add a PSK to German OB J 212 ”Shoulder to Shoulder”, German 30/ American 33 German bid points A1 exchange two 666 for two 667 B1 add a 347 to American at start OB C2 exchange one German dm MMG with a LMG D2 delete a 447 from German OB E3 add a Baz ’44 and a 347 to American at start setup American bid points A1 exchange three 447 with three 467 B1 add a LMG to German OB C2 exchange one German 8-0 with an 8-1 D2 add a 447 to German OB E3 delete one 666 from American turn 3 reinforcements J 233 ”Roff Riders”, Japanese 4/ Aussie 3 Japanese bid points A1 delete one Japanese LMG from 2nd Coy B1 delete 6 Concealment Counters from Japanese HQ Coy C2 exchange two 457 with two 458 in Coy D D2 delete the Japanese 8+1 Leader E3 exchange one Carrier A with one Carrier C British bid points A1 the two step redeuced 447 are full strength B1 exchange two 458 with two 457, in turn 1 Aussie OB C2 exchange three 347 with three 447 in Japanese HQ Coy D2 delete one 457 from Aussie turn 2 reinforcements E3 exchange the Aussie 9-2 with an 8-0 FOURTH ROUND J 170 ”Red Churchills”, Finns 22/ Russian 14 (ASO SSR; delete the first sentence of SSR 2) Finnish bid points A1 delete one 338 from Finnish OB B1 delete 8 Concealment Counters from Finnish OB C2 Russian MMC are Fanatic when possesing a FT or placing a DC D2 add a 458 to Russian OB E3 delete one Finnish 447 Russian bid points A1 exchange one 447 with one 548 B1 add a LMG to Finnish at start OB C2 the first sentence of SSR 2 apply D2 delete one DC E3 exchange the Russian 9-2 with an 8-1 J 208 ”Panzerpioniere!”, German 9/ American 17 (ASO SSR; In VC change 12 VP to 10 VP) German bid points A1 exchange two 666 with two 667 B1 delete the 238 from German OB C2 delete the German 9-1 AL D2 add a MMG to American OB E3 in VC change 10 VP to 11 VP American bid points A1 exchange two 666 with two 546 B1 delete 6 Concealments Counters from American OB C2 delete one Baz ’44 D2 exchange the German 9-1 with a 9-2 E3 delete a 666 J 245 ”Factory Fodder”, German 5/ American 5 German bid points A1 exchange two 658 with two 548 in German turn 2 reinforcements B1 exchange two 666 with two 667 in American at start OB C2 delete one PSK from German at start OB D2 exchange the German HMG with a MMG E3 delete one 548 from German at start OB American bid points A1 exchange two 667 with two 666 in American initial OB B1 exchange the 348 with a 658, in German turn 2 reinforcements C2 exchange three 548 with three 658 D2 add an 9-1 AL to German at start OB E3 delete a 666 from American initial OB FIFTH ROUND J 167 ”Hart Attack”, German 100/ Allied 101 German bid points A1 add a LMG to British OB B1 delete a 238 from German OB C2 delete one 50* MTR from German OB D2 The two British 51* MTR have Smoke 9 for the first shot E3 the three British 458 are Assault Eng Allied bid points A1 add 6 ? to German OB B1 add a LMG to German OB C2 exchange 3 x 457 for 3 x 447 D2 exchange British HMG for a MMG E3 exchange 9-2 for 9-1 J 239 ”Shoot or Shovel”, Japanese 4/ American 7 Japanese bid points A1 exchange two 448 with two 447 B1 delete the 8-0 Japanese Leader C2 exchange an American 8-0 with an 8-1 D2 delete one Japanese 447 E3 exchange the HMG with a MMG American bid points A1 exchange two 447 with two 448 B1 exchange one American 668 with a 348 C2 add a DC to Japanese OB D2 delete one 60* MTR E3 delete one MMG from American OB J 244 ”Bowden’s Wood”, German 6/ American 1 (ASO SSR; add a 347 to American OB) German bid points A1 exchange two 666 with two 667 B1 exchange one 658 with one 348 HS C2 delete the DC from German OB D2 exchange one American 8-0 with an 8-1 E3 delete one MMG from German OB American bid points A1 exchange two 548 with two 658 B1 delete one 347 form American OB C2 add a DC to German OB D2 add an 8-1 AL to German OB E3 delete one MMG from American OB |