German bid points
A1 exchange two 457 for two 458 in British turn 4 reinforcements
B1 delete 4 Concealment counters from German OB
C2 the British is Elite (C8.2)
D2 add an 8-1 AL to British OB
E3 delete a 238 and a LMG from German OB
British bid points
A1 add a 238 HS to German OB
B1 add 6 Concealment counters to German OB
C2  add 6 AP mine factors to German OB
D2 exchange the 2cm FlaK 30 with a Flak 38
E3 delete one Sherman V(a)
ASO SSR; the Russian 76L ART Gun must setup in a hex numbered more or equal to 3, add a 9-1 AL to German OB, the first time the PzIII(FL) rolls a 11 or a 12 on the FT – it has one more burst before it is X’ed

German bid points
A1 exchange the two 447 for two 458 in Russian turn 3 reinforcements
B1 add a 248 to Russian at start OB
C2 add an 8-1 AL to Russian turn 3 reinforcements
D2 add a DC to Russian OB
E3 exchange the T-70 for a T34/ m41
Russian bid points
A1 add a 248 to German turn 2 reinforcements
B1 delete one ATR from Russian OB
C2 add a Hero to German turn 2 reinforcements
D2 exchange the Russian HMG for a MMG
E3 exchange the two Pz IV F2 for two Pz IV H
German bid points
A1 exchange three 546 for three 666
B1 exchange one 8-1 for an 8-0 in German OB
C2 delete 6 AP Minefield factors and one Wire
D2 delete one MMG from German OB
E3 delete a 537 from German OB
American bid points
A1 delete one 60* M2 MTR from American OB
B1 exchange one 8-1 for a 9-1 in German OB
C2 two (non Crew) MMC in German OB are fanatic – put the counter on when unconcealed
D2 add a 9-1 AL to German OB
E3 delete a 667 from American OB


ASO SSR – no Russians may set up in the Stream.
German bid points
A1 exchange two 447 for two 458
B1 add a DC (which may not be a Set DC) to Russian OB
C2 delete a LMG from German OB
D2 delete the German 9-1 AL
E3 delete one 467 from German OB
Russian bid points
A1 exchange two 447 for two 467 in German OB
B1 add a 247 to German OB
C2 exchange a LMG for a MMG in German OB
D2 exchange the 8-1 AL for a 10-2 AL in German OB
E3 add a 467 to German OB
ASO SSR; add a 238 to German OB, Clarification; In the British Entry Instructions change South/ West to South/ East
German bid points
A1 exchange one 457 for a 458
B1 add a 247 to British OB
C2 add a LMG to British OB
D2 delete one 238 from German OB
E3 add a 457 to British OB
British bid points
A1 exchange one 467 for one 468
B1 add a 247 to German OB
C2 in SSR 3 exchange 6 for 8
D2 exchange the German 8-0 for an 8-1
E3 add a 467 to German OB
Sparrow Force (SP) SSR summary;
– EC are Wet, with no wind at start. Gusts (B25.651) is NA on Game Turn 1, At the start of a Game Turn, Wind Force is automatically decreased one level (B25.65)
– PTO (G.1) is in effect, including Light Jungle. Exc Brush remain Brush, Kunai COT is only 1,5 MF (1 MF if using a Path), Rice Paddies are In-Season (G8.13)
– Building L12 (Market) has a Ground Level only, Flames (B251; G5.6), Kindling (b25.11), Spreading Fire (B25.6; B25.651) and Bore Sighting are NA.
– Australian Hand-To-hand CC; Whenever one Unbroken Australian Infantry unit is the Attacker in CC/Melee or Ambushes the enemy in CC, that CC/Melee may become Hand-to Hand (J2.31) at the option of the Australian player – unless every such Australian unit participating in it was Ambushed in that phase/ or is Withdrawing/ Pinned.
– No Quarter is in effect for both sides (A20.3)
Japanese bid points
A1 exchange two 457 for two 458
B1 delete the Japanese 237
C2 add a 248 to Australian OB
D2 add a LMG to Australian OB
E3 add a 457 to Australian OB
Australian bid points
A1 reverse two 347 (striped) to two 447
B1 delete the Australian 248
C2 exchange one 8-1 for a 7-0 in Australian OB
D2 increase Japanese SAN to 4
E3 add a 447 to Japanese OB



German bid points
A1 add 4 Concealment Counters to British OB
B1 exchange one 447 for a 436
C2 add a PIAT to the two squads setting up in P9/Q9
D2 add a LMG to British OB
E3 delete one 447 from German OB
British bid points
A1 exchange one 447 for one 467
B1 exchange one 436 for a 447
C2 reduce British SAN to 3
D2 add a LMG to German OB
E3 add a 447 to German OB

German bid points
A1 add a 237 to Russian at start OB
B1 add a LMG to Russian OB
C2 delete German 8-1 AL
D2 delete one PSK
E3 add a 447 to Russian at start OB
Russian bid points
A1 add a Volksgrenadier 237 to German OB
B1 exchange one Russian 447 for a 426
C2 increase the German SAN to 3
D2 add a LMG to German OB
E3 add a 537 to German OB
German bid points
A1 add a 236 to American OB
B1 exchange one 666 for a 667
C2 exchange two 546 for two 666
D2 add an 8-1 AL to American OB
E3 add a 666 to American OB
American bid points
A1 add a 237 to German OB
B1 delete 4 Concealment counters from American OB
C2 exchange two 447 for two 467 in German OB
D2 add an 9-1 AL to German OB
E3  add a 447 to German OB



German/ Hungarian bid points
A1 add two 1 Squad Foxholes to Russian at start OB
B1 add an ATR to Russian at start OB
C2 add 2 WFP points to Russian at start OB
D2 delete German 50* MTR
E3 the two reinforcing 527, 7-0 and up to 2 WFP points may enter in turn 3 instead of turn 4
Russian bid points
A1 add 1 WFP to Hungarian OB
B1 exchange two 336 for two 347 in Hungarian OB
C2 add a LMG to Hungarian OB
D2 exchange one Hungarian 8-0 for an 8-1
E3 the 43M Zrinyi II enters on turn 4 instead of turn 5

ASO SSR; Exchange one Russian MMG for a 6-12 HMG. An IS-2 setting up as a Dug-In AFV sets up concealed regardless of terrain. It loses Concealment when a Good Order KEU has LOS to it, – put a Vehicular Crest Counter on top to mark it as Dug-In.

German bid points
A1 add 6 Concealment counters to Russian OB
B1 add an 8-1 AL to Russian at start OB
C2 delete one 447ss from German OB
D2 delete on PSK from German OB
E3 exchange German 9-2 for an 8-1
Russian bid points
A1 exchange two 447ss for two 468ss
B1 add an 9-1 AL to German OB
C2 exchange the ASO SSR Russian HMG for a MMG
D2 add a 447ss + LMG to German turn 3 reinforcements
E3 exchange the Russian 9-2 for an 8-1

ASO SSR; add a 9-1 Leader to German OB

German bid points
A1 delete one 248 from German OB
B1 add a LMG to Greek OB
C2 add a DC to British turn reinforcements
D2 delete one ATR from German OB
E3 add a 9-1 AL to British reinforcements
Allied bid points
A1 add a DC to German OB
B1 exchange one at start British 458 for a 248
C2 reduce Allied SAN to 4
D2 exchange one German LMG for one dm MMG
E3 delete one British MMG



Axis bid points
A1 add 6 concealment counters to British OB
B1 add a LMG to British OB
C2 delete one 346 from Axis OB
D2 delete the German 9-1 AL
E3 in VC change 10 to 8
British bid points
A1 exchange one 648 for a 338
B1 add a LMG to Italian OB
C2 delete British MMG
D2 exchange the Italian 8-0 for an 8-1
E3 in VC change 10 to 12

ASO Clarification; no Concealment counters may be setup on Board 2a (SSR2)

German bid points
A1 add 6 concealment counters to Russian OB
B1 exchange two 548 for two 447
C2 add a 458 to Russian OB
D2 delete one PSK
E3 add one T34/85 to Groups B1 and B2
Russian bid points
A1 add a LMG to German OB
B1 German may treat one D2.51 Mechanical Reliability DR 12, as it was 2.
C2 exchange the 8-16 HMG for a 6-12 HMG in Russian OB
D2 three German at start 548 are Fanatics
E3 add a 548 and FT to German Reinforcements


German bid points
A1 delete 5 concealment counters from German OB
B1 add a 9-1 AL to British OB
C2 delete the German MMG
D2 delete one PSK from German OB
E3 delete one 658
British bid points
A1 exchange two 458 for two 457
B1 add 4 Concealment counters to German OB
C2 delete one PIAT
D2 add a 9-1 AL to German OB
E3 delete one 458



ASO SSR; delete one 447 from Japanese OB

Japanese bid points
A1 delete 4 Concealment counters from Japanese OB
B1 exchange two Japanese 447 for two 347
C2 each British Mortar is considered to have s9 for its first attempt
D2 add a 457 to British OB
E3 delete one Japanese 228 and one MMG
British bid points
A1 add 4 Concealment counters to Japanese OB
B1 exchange two British 457 for two 447
C2 add a LMG to Japanese OB
D2 exchange one British 8-1 for an 8-0
E3 add a 447 to Japanese OB

ASO SSR; the first time the German FT rolls a 10, 11 or 12 on the FT – it has one more burst before it is X’ed

German bid points
A1 exchange two American 346 for two 347
B1 exchange American 8-1 AL for a 9-1 AL
C2 the American M2 MTR is considered to have WP 10 for its first attempt
D2 exchange the 666/ two 346 in the M3(MMG) halftrack with a 667/ two 347’s
E3 add one 666 to American OB
American bid points
A1 add a 237 to German initial OB
B1 add 5 concealment counters to German initial OB
C2 SSR 3 does not apply to SS MMC
D2 add a PSK to German turn 2 reinforcements
E3 delete one 666 from American OB


German bid points
A1 add 6 Concealment counters to American OB
B1 add a 347 to American OB
C2 exchange two 666 for two 667
D2 add a 9-1 AL to American OB and delete the 9-1 AL from German OB
E3 delete one StuG(L)
American bid points
A1 add 4 concealment counters to German OB
B1 add a LMG to German OB
C2 exchange American 12.7 HMG for a 6-12 HMG
D2 exchange two 667 for two 666
E3 exchange American 9-2 for a 9-1
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