PlayerNationalityPointsAvg.Opp.rat.First Loss
Melvin FalkSWE151586no loss
Mikko LukkariFIN1216485
Kenneth KnudsenDK1216055
Mattias BergwallSWE1215252
Arnaud SanchisFRA1216361
Ketil HøgenhaugNOR1016444
Olav HeieNOR1016383
Andreas CarlssonSWE1015983
Lars ThuringSWE1015813
Josh KalmanISR1014301
Derek WardDK915764
Mathias RönnblomSWE917053
Bjørn LorenzenNOR915773
Jonathan KayCAN916272
Carl Alex F NielsenDK915532
Tim HunsdorferUK915111
David KalmanISR715451
Ran ShiloahISR616622
Timo KärnäFIN615632
Niels LarsenDK615072
Olivier Dietsch (4 games)FRA611662
Martin Kristensen (4 games)DK611472
Rich DomovicUS616201
Tron LjodalSWE615481
Kåre JacobsenDK615461
Anders OlssonSWE615091
Martin HoumøllerDK315292
Jes Touvdal  (2 games)DK32
Hans Bugge  (2 games)NOR32
Nils BakkeSWE314991
Tomas VestelidSWE314961
Pär WorbisSWE314751
Sami PelkonenFIN314571
Magnus Rimvall  (4 games)SWE31
Göran Andersson  (2 games)SWE31
Søren Sandager Sørensen  (2 games)DK01
Armin Deppe  (2 games)GER01
Kirby Vincent  (2 games)CAN01
Øyvind Bjorkås (2 games)NOR01
Stephen Burleigh  (2 games)UK01
ASO 2017 was a five round tournament.

Points: 3 points are awarded for a win, and 1 for a draw.

Tiebreaker 1: The tournament round, where the player lost his first game. A round that is not played is an automatic loss.
Tiebreaker 2 (only players who have lost at least one game): The average ASO rating, at the beginning of the tournament, of all opponents the player has played against in the tournament.
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